The Folio Society is publishing Dune Messiah

If you've followed this newsletter for a while, you'll know that I'm a fan of specialty publisher The Folio Society: I've generally appreciated the work that goes into each of their editions, as well as the artwork and notes that generally accompany each release.

Way back in 2015, the publisher began seriously publishing genre works, starting with Frank Herbert's Dune. That edition featured art from Sam Weber, an introduction by Michael Dirda, and an afterword by Brian Herbert, and it's a stunning edition: I really love my copy. TFS produced a special edition a couple of years ago which also looked quite snazzy (well outside of my price range, sadly), but I've always wondered why they haven't followed up with any of the other Dune novels.

That's changing soon: TFS previewed its upcoming Festive Collection, which includes a new edition of Dune: Messiah, the second installment in Herbert's series. This one will feature art by Hilary Clarcq, who's done some work for Folio before, and whose style looks excellent: I'm eager to see what this volume looks like – on Instagram, Folio noted that the collection comes out on October 10th. The publisher also recently released its autumn collection, which you can find here.

Other genre titles of note this upcoming round include a new edition of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (Art by Angela Barrett), The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro (art by Jana Heidersdorf), and Tales from Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin (art by David Lupton).

Updated to include the release date for the collection.