My Best Work in 2020

Thank you for reading me this year

We’re coming up on the end of 2020, and I’ve been thinking about the work that I’ve done. It’s been a busy year: most of my writing has been for as a news writer, but it’s also a year where I’ve finished a book (!!?!?!) and wrote a number of longer pieces for other outlets. I opened up subscriptions here when the freelance market crashed, and I’ve been eternally grateful for all of you who’ve helped support this sort of work.

Looking over the pieces that I’ve written, I’ve put together a lot that I’ve been really happy with — taking some in-depth looks at everything from how the military is using military science fiction to how the 3D printer has impacted cosplay, to musing about the landscape below my feet. I got to interview people that I’m really bit fans of, like Christopher Brown, Mary Robinette Kowal, John Scalzi, and Timothy Zahn, and quite a bit more.

So, here are the pieces that I’m the most happy with this year. A number of these were locked to Transfer Orbit subscribers, but I’ve unlocked those for you to check out.

I’ve been consciously trying to limit the SUBSCRIBE TO ME pleas — I find them distracting and annoying, as I’m sure you do — but if you like what you read, please consider supporting this newsletter. I enjoy this sort of writing and telling these stories, and the financial support from those of you who are subscribing has been a huge help keeping me going this year.

Thank you so much for following along and reading what I’ve written this year. You’ve allowed me to continue to do a job that I genuinely love, and I’ve enjoyed chatting with y’all in the comments, on Twitter, and via email. I’m looking forward to what 2021 will bring.
