Giveaway? Giveaway!
Want to win a Folio Society edition of Frank Herbert's Dune Messiah?

If you've read this newsletter for any amount of time, you'll know that I'm a big fan of The Folio Society's books. I recently interviewed Michael Didra about his anthology Weird Tales and took a look at their edition of Stephen Ambrose's Band of Brothers.
Somehow, I ended up with a couple of copies of their recent, very pretty edition of Frank Herbert's Dune: Messiah, so I figure it's time for another giveaway.
If you'd like to get a copy of Dune: Messiah (value: $110), do the following: subscribe to Transfer Orbit, and send me an email (either as a reply to this message or to liptakaa [at] gmail [dot] com: tell me that you'd like to be entered, and tell me what your favorite space opera novel is. I'll toss your name into a random number generator and I'll do a drawing on May 16th.
If you're a supporting member of Transfer Orbit, I'll give you a second chance to win this: check in on the Slack Channel in #books-print: I'll open up a thread to enter.
Rules: click here for the contest's rules. Give them a read over before you email me to enter.
Aaaaaaand.... go.