You can print up your own Murderbot helmet!
The perfect headgear for watching Sanctuary Moon

Yesterday, I wrote about how cosplayer Christopher Hunter designed and constructed a costume based on Martha Wells’ fan-favorite character, Murderbot.
Want to follow in his footsteps? He’s posted his model for the helmet, and you can download it and print it up for yourself.

Hunter explained that he based the costume on a couple of the covers from Wells’ books, and after discovering a visor on Etsy that was just the right shape (you can purchase one for ~$50-$130, depending on the finish), went about modeling the helmet in AutoCAD Fusion and printed it up.
He’s now posted the file for the helmet on Thingiverse, a hub for 3D printer models. The site is a useful one for cosplayers—a place where you can find a wide range of items that you might need for a costume, from entire suits of armor to helmets to weird accessories or detail pieces that might be hard to find in the real world.
Hunter’s helmet comes in three parts: the front of the helmet (on which you’d mount the visor) and the back, split into a top and bottom piece.
You can’t stick this helmet into a printer, push GO, and expect a finished product: you’d need to print out all three pieces, glue them together, and then sand the surface to remove any of the tiny print lines. After that, you’d want to prime and paint it.
Once you’re done, you’ll have your very own Murderbot helmet—perfect for sitting back on the couch while you binge watch the latest season of Sanctuary Moon.